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Understanding and Responding to Young People with Childhood Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence (CEIPV)

Apr 15, 2024 01:55 PM to May 27, 2024 05:05 PM

Registration Deadline: Apr 11, 2024 11:55 PM

Understanding and Responding to Young People with Childhood Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence (CEIPV)

This course begins with an overview of what is currently known about the potential developmental impacts of CEIPV on young people from birth to young adulthood, then moves to hearing from the perspectives of young people about what supports they need for healing and the development of resilience. Participants will experiment with a Virtual Gaming Simulation on their own and then we will discuss the experience and learnings within the next session and break down overarching skills in concrete responses in practice. The next session will provide an opportunity for members to individually participate in a live simulation session with the opportunity for immediate feedback and debriefing and to directly apply concepts learned from the course. The final session will provide the opportunity for participants to share their learnings as a group.

Course Delivery: Zoom (link to be emailed closer to the first day of class)
Dates: 4 consecutive Mondays. Session 1: April 15, Session 2: April 22, Session 3: April 29, Session 4: May 27th
Times: 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. ET (for each session)
Cost: $200 + HST = $226   HST: 10816 2587 RT 0001

*Please note our payment systems will only accept VISA or MasterCard.  Visa Debit is not accepted by our payment system*

We appreciate your registration, and your spot in the class is reserved while we await the completion of the credit card payment process. Our registration system operates independently of the payment system, and on rare occasions, there may be a temporary connection issue. Kindly ensure that your payment is made using VISA or MasterCard. In the event that our system encounters any difficulty in processing your payment, our team at CREVAWC will promptly reach out to assist you.


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