Western Connect Portal Error

Login Error: Access Issue
You are seeing this page for one of the following reasons:

Sign-in Required: The page you requested requires a sign-in to proceed. Please select a user type from the sign-in options below.

Credential Issues: If your credentials are not functioning correctly and you have attempted to reset your password, please contact us for further assistance.

Security Log-out: An error occurred, and you have been logged out for security reasons.

Session Timeout: Your session timed out due to a long period of inactivity.

Unavailable Link: The link you requested is not available.

New Student Profile Activation: If you are a new student at Western, please note that profiles in Western Connect are activated around term activation.

For example, for the Fall term, this typically occurs in late August. You will not be able to log in until term activation is complete.


Western Connect Sign-In
To sign in, please select your user type:

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